Local Food Safari in Røros


Join us for a unique local culinary experience as we take you through the history of the 'local food capital' of Norway.

Specially trained guides are prepared to lead guests through the narrow and charming streets of Røros while we talk and eat our way through the history that has made Røros a true foodie destination.

The guide will create a historical frame for the safari. What did the miners eat during their workday compared to the upper class? In what way has the Sami culture affected trade and what they ate? By these questions, the guide will lead you through our history to the presence, where Røros is a known as one of the premiere regions for local food in Norway.

Our products are grown slowly in a cool climate with long, bright summer nights. This creates flavours that are unique and a diversity that is incredible.

The tour will end at Kaffestuggu, an historic eatery with long standing traditions. A taste platter with the combination of innovative and traditional products will create the perfect ending to the safari.

We welcome you join us for a unique and historical culinary experience! In summer you may Book this tour here.

Other prices for groops. Can be booked for groups all year round. Send your request to the touristoffice in Røros


Ticket artTicket Preis
Per person698,00 NOK

Hinweis: Die Preise sind unverbindliche Preisangaben, die jederzeit abgeändert werden können.


Local Food Safari in Røros

Local produzierte Lebensmittel

Peder Hiortsgate 2, 7374, Røros

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Peder Hiorts gate 2

NO-7374 Roros


Telefon: +47 72 41 0000

Email: post@rorosinfo.com

Org.nr. 930 710 652

Roros Tourist Info (+ Sommer)

Montag - Freitag: 10:00 - 16:00 (10:00 - 17:00)

Samstag: 10:00 - 14:30 (10:00 - 16:00)

Sonntag: Abgeschlossen (10:00 - 16:00)