MS Fæmund II


Join us for an unforgettable journey aboard the historic MS Fæmund II this summer, as the sailing season commences in June 7th. Here, you can venture into enchanting primeval forests, shimmering fishing lakes, or let the boat guide you to the many beautiful gateways of Femundsmarka National Park. You can also enjoy the scenery on a round trip from Synnervika to Elgå and back. On board the boat, you can indulge in delicious local food, and we promise scenic surroundings all the way!

MS Fæmund II takes you along the "inland sea" of Femunden and offers countless exciting experiences for nature lovers of all ages. Bring your bike on board and combine the boat trip with scenic tours in Femundsmarka and the surrounding areas.

The boat departs from the dock in Synnervika at 09:00. Parking is available for those arriving by car, but we reccomend public transport, with bus from Røros station at 08:15. Line 540 Røros-Synnervika offers bus services every day in correspondence with MS Fæmund II. Please see the timetable on ATB's website for detailed information.

Historical Journey

MS Fæmund II has a proud history dating back to 1905 when it was built as a steam-powered iron ship. With well over 100 years at sea, the boat has been an important part of the region's history and cultural heritage. In 2012, the boat was protected by the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikvaren) due to its historical significance.

From its earlier days of timber hauling and freight traffic, the boat has adapted to changing times, and today, passenger traffic is the main source of income.

For more hiking tips and booking, check out our website

Welcome aboard!


MS Fæmund II


P.B 58, 7361, Røros

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Peder Hiorts gate 2

NO-7374 Roros


Telefon: +47 72 41 0000

Email: 930 710 652

Roros Tourist Info (+ Sommer)

Montag - Freitag: 10:00 - 16:00 (10:00 - 17:00)

Samstag: 10:00 - 14:30 (10:00 - 16:00)

Sonntag: Abgeschlossen (10:00 - 16:00)